
Huerta Urbana Farmers Market

Focus Points Family Resource Center 2501 East 48th Ave, Denver, CO, United States

Huerta Urbana Farmers Market is a pay-what-you-can market dedicated to increasing food access in the Globeville Elyria-Swansea (GES) neighborhoods.  Presented by Kaiser Permanente, the Huerta Urbana Farmers Market serves as a fun, educational, equitable and thriving community gathering space that is affordable for all.  The market operates in collaboration with vendors and community partners using a […]

Back2School School Supply Distribution

Focus Points Family Resource Center 2501 East 48th Ave, Denver, CO, United States

Focus Points’ annual Back2School event supports families as their children prepare to start the school year. We will distribute up to 250 backpacks full of school supplies and inform families of additional resources and services provided by Focus Points.

Lotería annual fiesta benefiting Focus Points

ArtPark 1900 35th St., Denver, CO, United States

You're invited to attend Focus Points' premiere event, Lotería, happening Friday, June 2, at Comal Heritage Food Incubato at RiNo ArtPark. Enjoy a night under the stars eating delicious bites, listening to live music, and playing the beloved game of chance, Lotería. Every ticket sold will support Focus Points Family Resource Center and its work dedicated […]


Focus Points Family Resource Center 2501 East 48th Ave, Denver, CO, United States

This exciting event serves as a vital support for families in our community as they prepare their children to embark on a successful school year.

HIPPY Group Connection

Focus Points Family Resource Center 2501 East 48th Ave, Denver, CO, United States

Community Meeting

Focus Points Family Resource Center 2501 East 48th Ave, Denver, CO, United States

Focus Points is working on a re-zoning of our property. We are re-zoning to update the current zoning code, which will allow for additional support services, and in the long term, affordable housing. Your input is valuable to us, and we invite you to join us for this conversation.

PAT Group Connection

Focus Points Family Resource Center 2501 East 48th Ave, Denver, CO, United States

PAT Graduation

Swansea Elementary 4650 Columbine St., Denver, United States

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