Located in the Globeville-Elyria-Swansea (GES) neighborhood, Focus Points is committed to serving families throughout the greater northeast Denver area.
Globeville-Elyria-Swansea Neighborhood
One of Denver’s most diverse neighborhoods, Globeville-Elyria-Swansea (GES) has long been home to immigrant communities. Back in the 1800s, Eastern Europeans settled in the area to work in smelting and meatpacking businesses along the South Platte River. Over time, many Latin American immigrants moved in, and today the neighborhood has a strong Latino identity with more than a quarter of the residents speaking Spanish.
The neighborhood officially became part of Denver in 1891, but railroad tracks and the river separated the neighborhood from the rest of the city. Then, in the 1960s, construction of Interstates 25 and 70 divided GES into four separate areas. This geography, along with new development plans for the area, continue to create challenges for the residents.
Focus Points is committed to serving the residents of GES, along with the greater northeast Denver area, through comprehensive family services. Our multigenerational programs meet families’ immediate needs by connecting caregivers to the necessary resources to build healthy, strong families. Meanwhile, we invest in the future by providing high-quality early childhood education programs, English classes and economic inclusion opportunities.