About Focus Points

Focus Points Family Resource Center is a non-profit organization committed to serving low-income families in the greater northeast Denver area.

Focus Points Family Resource Center logo

Building better communities by strengthening families​

Since 1995, Focus Points has been serving and advocating for families in the Greater Denver Area.

Our vision: To provide families with resources and tools they need to build their future and contribute to a vibrant community.

Our mission: To build better communities by strengthening families.

At Focus Points, we believe that a strong family is made up of thriving individuals. This means that both children and caregivers have the support they need to pursue their goals. Our multigenerational programs meet families’ needs by connecting them to resources to build healthy, strong families. 

Our comprehensive services empower families to transform their lives

  • Early Childhood Education: We offer home visiting programs that serve 187 children aged prenatal to 5 years across the Denver area.
  • Adult Education: We offer English classes to 368 immigrant and refugee students across the greater Denver area.
  • Family Support Services: We offer an infrastructure of support services that meet families’ basic needs and build community.
  • Economic Inclusion: We offer career readiness and soft skill development for adults in our social enterprises. Comal Heritage Food Incubator offers technical culinary skills and entrepreneurship training through Comal Heritage Food Incubator, and Huerta Urbana provides economic opportunities for families and ensures access to fresh and healthy food.

Community need drives Focus Points’ work

Northeast Denver has undergone substantial change since 1995, and so has Focus Points. Today’s most pressing challenges:


The Central I-70  redevelopment project has displaced families, restricted access to community resources, and rerouted traffic through the heart of our community.


Urban redevelopment has raised the cost of living in GES and the surrounding area. Families in our community are under the threat of displacement and homelessness.

street signs

The divisive messaging around immigration policies has led to uncertainty within our communities. Fear of unknown consequences is inhibiting families’ access to resources needed to sustain and thrive.

GES: A vibrant and underserved neighborhood with deep roots in Denver

Our main service area encompasses Globeville, Elyria and Swansea (GES), and our services reach families across the greater Denver area. These neighborhoods are home to multigenerational homeowners and renters, mostly of Latin American descent. Some are recent immigrants, and some have been home owners for generations. We also serve refugee populations who are making their new homes in Denver or Aurora. In GES:

of adults are not English-speaking
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of adults over the age of 25 have attained less than a high school education
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of children are living in poverty
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of children have restricted access to healthy food
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Licensed childcare is only available for 45% of children
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Focus Points Family Resource Center logo

What is a Family Resource Center?

Focus Points is one of 33 family resource centers across the state of Colorado. Family Resource Centers provide wraparound services that help families pursue their goals and thrive. They are a point of entry for families to learn about and access resources and services. As a family resource center, our long-term objectives are to foster personal, family and financial sustainability for all who seek support. 


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